Village life in Kitgum Uganda is refreshing. While is a lot of work to be done, like fetching water daily, it is done together, in community.
Motorcycles and Bicycles are a popular form of transportation in Kitgum.
Farm animals wander around the village unrestrained.
Jobin and Francine are spontaneous. Always flexible, always ready to let community happen however it does. Nothing is forced, and everything is embraced.
Jackson and Emma playing together in the village.
We visited a children's learning center run by a Japanese couple. They've been working in Kitgum for over 15 years helping local children learn to read.
It's not unusual to see young children wandering the village alone. They know the area, and the community, so they explore and play freely.
Jobin and Francine with their children, Jackson and Emma.
Dogs protect the farmland and animals in the village. They know the inhabitants, and scare away wild animals and strangers.